Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sometimes the best years start off as the worst years. And some of the worst years start off the best. This year, I am going to refuse to make a value judgement. We put so much importance on the idea of 'New Year'. We end each one trying to bring it into perspective, and honestly, no matter what's happened to us, we can choose to frame it however we want to. "2010 was the year my career tanked." vs. "2010 was the year I received a new opportunity to explore other directions for my life". "2010 was the year my relationship ended" vs. 2010 was the year I shed a layer of skin that no longer fit me." Regardless of the challenges we faced, there is always the possibility of redemption through language. The language, when repeated becomes an idea, which becomes a belief, which becomes our reality....which is unique and exclusive to each individual. We can use that process to the advantage of creating the environment around us to be a positive, healing, nurturing one, rather than an atmosphere where there is only fear, hate, and negativity. Here's to 2011.

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